In the modern era where appearance is valued more than in previous generations, the Millennial generation is leading the way. According to the Pew Research Center, Millennials are more interested in self-care and self-improvement than any other generation in history. In a generation that has always known the internet, there is a greater value on improving oneself and maintaining one’s appearance.
Millennials spend twice as much on self care as the Baby Boomer generation. Many millennials are also investing in their appearance by exercising, using Botox for anti-aging and investing in skincare. Some as early as 21 are using products to reduce the signs of aging before it creeps up on them like their Gen X older siblings or Boomer parents.
Why do Millennials care so much about their appearance? Sociologists believe that the social media culture has created a greater value in the individuals appearance. Additionally in the arms race of appearance social media has elevated expectations of looks in society. Instagram personalities have been public about their personal beauty care and other millennials have noticed. Data has shown that male millennials are just as interested in refreshing and maintaining their appearance as female millennials. So what are the three cosmetic procedures that millennials invest in?
The answer seems to be skin care, botox and exercise. This combination has one thing in common. Investing in these three things will help young people in their 20s and 30s looking young for the longest period of time. Investing in these three items will help millennials looking young well into their 40s and even 50s. Science backs them up and the millennials seem to have done their research!
Skin Care

Millennials care about their skin and retaining their youth. 40% of millennials spend the maximum they can afford on their skin. This includes facials, laser treatments and daily skin care.
The three most common skin care investments that millennials invest in are:
Hydrafacial or Medical Grade facials
Laser treatments such as Halo laser
Daily skincare
A hydrafacial is a medical grade facial that resurfaces the skin by eliminating dead skin cells, infusing nutrients into the skin and refreshing the appearance of the face. The procedure takes roughly 20 minutes and gives a glow to the face. Often actors who are hitting the red carpet will get hydrafacials before appearing on television. It is recommended for individuals to get a Hydrafacial every couple months to keep the skin glowing.
Laser treatments such as Halo laser are resurfacing lasers that reverse the signs of aging by eliminating dead skin cells and increases collagen. The procedure takes 1 hour and recovery is a couple days of redness and irritation. Often patients get this procedure once a year to reverse the active lifestyle that millennials like to have. Especially in states such as Colorado where there is a high level of sun damage, young people get this laser to keep things refreshed.
Varying from a daily SPF to toner and cleansers, this is the most universal step that millennials participate in. There are many skin care lines from over the counter products at the local Walgreens to medical grade skin care lines such as Revision that millennials buy and use. Medical grade products need to be purchased at a doctors office. At our office in Denver we offer Revision skincare which have a broad line of skin care products from SPF skin protection to nutrient infusing face washes.
On an interesting note, we all know that sun damage is the number cause of aging but millennials don’t seem to get to mind sun tanning. 90% of aging is sun damage and millennials have a higher proclivity to tan than to stay out of the sun. Education of millennials on sun damage is critical for them to prevent incurring the sun damage that the previous generations have experienced.
Botox and Fillers
In terms of Botox and Fillers, the most common products that Millennials invest in are Botox. It is a muscle paralyzer that softens lines and wrinkles. In Millennials, they often prevent lines and wrinkles from showing up in the first place. Botox costs roughly 200-300 dollars every 3-4 months. The most common area that millennials treat is the forehead. The second most common area that is treated are the elevens between the face. Studies have also shown that Botox slows down skin aging which often affects areas of the face such as the forehead and around the eyes. Twins who have been treated with botox look younger than their twin without treatment. In fact, their skin aging is also slowed down. This investment in Botox is common among millennial professionals.
“For less than a cup of coffee a day, I can keep my looks and stay looking 25 well into my late 30s” described one millennial attorney who received Botox at my office. It is a resonating perspective for a generation that is strongly willing to invest in themselves. Many millennials feel the same way and invest in Botox to keep themselves looking young.

Fillers are often not used by Millennials except in the lips or undereyes for hollows. Fillers are more used by their older Generation X siblings who are losing volume in the face. Lip filler and undereye hollows are often injected by specialists who focus on those areas. Though available at med spas, millennials often seek out professional physician injectors to get the best results and safe injections. Though cost may be an issue millennials recognize expertise and luxury service as paramount in importance when it comes to their face. It may not be an incorrect assumption.
In 2016 the FDA issued a warning to mainly medspas and nurse injectors in Colorados who had purchased counterfeit botox and filler products. Though some purchases were unknowing for facial medical procedures having the authentic products is essential to having the best results and reducing the risk of complications.
Though Americans in general have increased their level and amount of exercise, Millennials have realized that health and wellness are critical for well-being. From yoga to crossfit to insanity, Millennials are exercising and investing in their mind and body.

The most common exercises for Millennials are cardio classes, weightlifting and high intensity interval training (HIIT). Each has its own benefit. Cardio classes help to maintain good body weight and cardiac well being. Weightlifting improves growth hormone and anti-aging. HIIT reverse mitochondrial aging of cells. Millennials invest in a varying degree of exercise regimens with some of the running and yoga. Others invest in higher ticket priced items such as Peloton bicycles and Orange theory. On average Millennial professionals exercise 4-5 times a week. Interestingly they often cite mental well being as the most important reason for exercise. The data supports that notion with reduced rates of anxiety and depression seen in regular exercisers.
As can be seen, the three investments in beauty self-care are critical for the millennial generation. In my practice in downtown Denver, I see it through the patients I see every day. Nationwide, Allergan has seen a large increase in millennial botox and filler purchases. The expectation is that this generation will continue to invest in themselves physically and mentally. The future looks bright for the millennials.