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Before oculoplastic surgery with Dr Thiagarajah there are several things that must be done to coordinate your care for surgery. Though our staff takes time to make sure everything goes smoothly, it is good to look through this checklist to make sure that everything is done and you are optimized for surgery.


1. Medical Clearance


Before any surgery with Dr Thiagarajah, you will need to have clearance from your primary medical doctor. They will

have to do baseline bloodwork and an EKG. Usually the bloodwork and EKG should be done within 30 days from

the surgery date. Medical clearance is important to determine that one is healthy enough to undergo the surgery no matter

how minor. If this is not performed by the day of surgery, the anesthesiologist will most likely cancel your surgery that day.

To avoid this, you will be provided a letter to bring to your primary care doctor to clear you and have you do the necessary

tests. This letter is also downloadable. 


2. Preoperative date


Before surgery you will need to meet Dr Thiagarajah to answer your questions and do a quick recheck of you before surgery. That is the day for your to bring any questions that you may have. Dr Thiagarajah will discuss with you the surgery, expected risks and answer your questions. You will get your prescriptions for surgery at this appointment so you can have it before surgery.


3. Postoperative date


For most surgeries, Dr Thiagarajah likes to see patients one week to 10 days after surgery. It is recommended that this appointment is made before the day of surgery so it is one less thing to worry about.


4. Smoking                                                          


Smoking impairs healing. Smokers also have higher risks from  anesthesia. It is recommended that you stop smoking before       surgery and not smoke for two weeks after the day of surgery. If you need a nicotine patch to do so, at your primary care               appointment would be the time to bring that up. They may be able to prescribe some medicine to make things easier. 


5. Herbal Medicine 


Arnica Montana and Bromelain are two herbal medicines that have been shown to reduce postoperative swelling and speed up healing. These medicines can be taken as a pill 1 week before surgery and continued after surgery for two weeks. They are available at health food stores and at many grocery stores. 


6. Blood thinners


Blood thinners promote bleeding and should be stopped before surgery. Aspirin including baby aspirin should be stopped atleast 10 days before surgery. Motrin should be stopped one week before surgery. Plavix should be stopped one week before surgery. Coumadin should be stopped atleast 5 days before surgery. Your primary care may want you to be on heparin while you are off coumadin depending on your medical condition.


7. The Night before Surgery


 Make sure to eat nothing or drink nothing after midnight the night before surgery. This includes drinking tea, coffee or soda or breakfast the morning of surgery. Eating or drinking increases your risk of complications from anesthesia. The morning of surgery take your normal medications with a small sip of water. If you take insulin you may be asked by your primary care or anesthesiologist to hold your insulin.You will need a ride after surgery to get home and you should not be alone the night after surgery. The reason is that you may have anesthesia during surgery and a patient should not be alone the night after surgery. If you have any questions please feel free to call the office. Please read about postoperative instructions which are just as important. Though it can be difficult, please try to get a good night's sleep. 

What needs to be done before Eyelid surgery


8301 E Prentice Ave Suite 403

Greenwood Village CO 80111

Vail Vision 1140 Edwards Village Blvd Edwards CO

Skyline Vision 595 Chapel Hill Drive Suite Suite 220 Colorado Springs CO 

Our Hours

Monday        8:00 AM — 5:00 PM

Tuesday       8:00 AM — 5:00 PM

Wednesday 8:00 AM — 5:00 PM

Thursday     8:00 AM — 5:00 PM

Friday            8:00 AM — 5:00 PM

Saturday      Closed

Sunday         Closed

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