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Oculoplastic Surgeon
Denver Eyelid Specialist
8301 East Prentice Ave Suite 403
Greenwood Village CO 80111
Phone 720 386 1989
Fax 720 386 2088
Frequent Questions about Ptosis Surgery
Ptosis surgery is a surgery that is performed to raise the eyelids or open the eyelids. Usually this is due to the fact that the eyelid muscle has become weak over time.
Why should I get my ptosis surgery with Dr Thiagarajah?
Dr Thiagarajah is an oculoplastic surgeon, member of ASOPRS, has performed thousands of eyelid surgeries in his career. His knowledge of the anatomy of the eyelids, eyebrow and face is extensive. He also is trained in neuro-ophthalmology which are diseases of the eyelid and orbit. Dr Thiagarajah can rule out neurological causes of a drooping eyelid such as tumors or autoimmune diseases before performing surgery. This is critical to performing safe surgery on patients.
What is the downtime for Ptosis Eyelid Surgery?
The downtime for ptosis eyelid is roughly two weeks. After two weeks patients can use coverup and return to work.
How long is Ptosis eyelid surgery?
Ptosis eyelid surgery takes anywhere from 30 minutes to 1 hour depending on whether if one or both eyelids are being operated on.
Do I need someone to be with me for my Ptosis surgery?
Yes, you will need someone to drive you to the office and pick you up. It is difficult if not impossible to drive home after ptosis surgery.
What are the risks of Ptosis Eyelid Surgery?
Risks of Ptosis surgery include asymettry, vision loss, bleeding, scarring, infection and the need for more surgery.
When can I resume normal activities after Ptosis eyelid Surgery?
Usually after two weeks patients are able to return to normal exercise, contact lens use, and physical exercise.
When do the stitches come out after Ptosis Eyelid Surgery?
Stitches are removed one week after ptosis surgery.
How is Ptosis surgery different than Blepharoplasty?
Ptosis surgery is a procedure to open the eyelids by tightening the muscle of the eyelid which is inside the eyelid. A Blepharoplasty is a procedure to remove the skin and fat from the eyelid. Ptosis surgery does not remove skin from the eyelid or puffiness. A patient who has ptosis would also need to have a blepharoplasty to remove skin and fat from the eyelid. Read more about the differences between ptosis and blepharoplasty here!
What is the success rate for Ptosis surgery?
The need for further surgery after ptosis surgery is anywhere from 5-20%. This is usually an adjustment made to correct the eyelid height or contour. This additional fees for touch up surgery is not in the original fee for ptosis surgery.