1. There are eyelid experts called oculoplastic surgeons
Eyelid specialists are called oculoplastic surgeons. They spend two years training in just eyelid, eye socket and tear duct surgery. These are the specialized structures near the eye. Eyelid specialists perform roughly 100-200 cosmetic eyelid surgeries just during their training. They also perform 1000s of eyelid surgeries during the two years. During practice an average oculoplastic surgeon performs 100s to 1000s of eyelid surgeries every year. Because of this experience and extra training, they are considered “specialists” of the eyelids. Most educated patients choose to have oculoplastic surgeons perform their cosmetic or reconstructive eyelid surgery. Oculoplastic surgeons have the experience and training to perform the detailed specialized surgery of the eyelids with higher skill and if there is a complication are able to handle it in the best manner possible.
2. There is no one technique for every patient
There are many different techniques for eyelid surgery. This includes tightening muscles, removing skin, removing fat, repositioning fat, tightening of the eyelid corners among some of them. There is no one size that fits all for all patients. As one can imagine, each persons eyelids are different and thus have different needs for surgery. What is exactly needed for each patient can vary based on the patient, what they want and what is safe for their eye. Only and examination and discussion with an oculoplastic surgeon.
3. The surgery outcome is determined by multiple factors
The outcome of surgery is determined by many factors:
Surgeon skill
Age of patient
Tissue health of patient
Healing of patient
Patient compliance with healing
It is not just the surgeon skill that determines the outcome of surgery. A 40 year old will have different skin and muscle than a patient who is 70 or someone who is 25. The outcomes can vary on the medical health of the patient as well. A patient with eczema and severe sun damage can expect to have poorer outcomes than a patient with great skin quality. Ethnicity can play a role. African American and Asian patients have thicker skin than Caucasian patients and may have different outcomes based on what is being done. Is some situation that can be helpful. In other situations it can be less helpful. Finally, the healing of the patient can vary and of course compliance with medication and resting the eyelids are critical as well. It is not 100% predictable what the exact outcomes will be of each patient. There are general ideas one can have but to predict with 100% certainty is impossible. Any surgeon who tells you they are 100% certain what the outcome will be is not being honest with you or themselves.
4. Though you can return to work in a week or two, full recovery takes months
Healing from eyelid surgery is usually 1-2 weeks but final healing takes months. What this means exactly is that the incisions, smoothness, tightness of the skin, nerves will take 6 months to a year to regenerate and go back to normal. It is important to be aware of that when undergoing eyelid surgery.
5. Most people are very happy with cosmetic eyelid surgery but not everyone is
There is no surgery, plastic surgery, eyelid surgery or experience that has 100% satisfaction. Some patients may have what many would consider a “perfect” result but are not happy with the way their eyelids look. Some patients get used to their aged appearance and the change in reverse aging can be difficult to accept. Fortunately this is exceedingly rare. It is important to evaluate who you are as a person. If you are someone who suffers from mental health issues such as body dysmorphic syndrome plastic surgery is not for you. Also, if your personality is micro detailed beyond the average person, you may not be happy with the results of cosmetic eyelid or any other surgery. This is something that your surgeon may have difficulty picking up on before your surgery. The good news is that most patients are very happy with cosmetic eyelid surgery but not everyone is happy even if the outcome is “perfect”.
6. Some people need a surgery for ptosis surgery and not skin removal on their eyelid
Drooping of the eyelids because the eyelid muscle is weak is called ptosis. This is a different procedure than regular cosmetic eyelid surgery. An oculoplastic surgeon is uniquely trained to treat this problem.
Hopefully this gives an insight to important points in cosmetic eyelid surgery. It is critical to get a good evaluation from an OculoPlastic surgeon with experience. For a consultation call our office 303 468 8844.