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What Plastic Surgery procedures in Denver are Millennials getting (and why)?

Chris Thiagarajah MD

How much do millenials care about their looks? What is the cosmetic procedure in Denver that millennials seek the most? As an oculoplastic surgeon who performs surgical and nonsurgical procedures for patients that include facelift, necklift, eyelifts, along with filler and botox, I have found that millennials (people born after 1982) are different than the rest of the patients I treat. There are a couple things that have made them more or less particular about their cosmetic appearance. As a millennial in Denver, it is important to know what other milennials are doing to maintain their looks and apperance. Everyone wants to know what their friends are doing to stay and look good.

1.Millennials are extremely competitive in the workplace

53% of Milliennials want to get to the top of their career compared with 38% of Generation X and 25% of Baby Boomers. Millenials are competitive! In many fields, appearance counts to getting ahead, and millenials are willing to have cosmetic procedures to maximize their chances of getting ahead in their work.

2. Millennials care about their appearance

Compared to the other generations, Millennials care about their appearance. As a group of individuals who take selfies and then analyze them before putting those photos on social media, millennials care about their appearance and are in tune to the small aging changes that they may be developing. Many of my millennial patients will point out small signs of aging (such as fine wrinkles on their forehead) that many of my Generation X peers would have not noticed in their late 20s.

3. Millennials care about how others perceive them

Millenials are an extremely social generation. They are the group that really brought “social media” to the level it is today. As a result, they are extremely in tune with others opinions of themselves. Celebrities now respond to their critics on social media. People have been “fat shamed” on social media. Comments are commonly made about others appearance on facebook, twitter, and other social media venues. Because of that, millenials want to put their best face forward, socially as well. They understand that people judge their appearnce the same way they judge others appearance.

4. Millennials prefer to get “preventative” services such as Botox and fillers such as Juvederm

The vast majority of procedures that millennials are interested in getting are focused on preventing aging rather than surgical procedures to treat long standing aging issues. Part of the reason this is so is because millenials are young and have not had the effects of aging compared to their older peers. These are the biggest cosmetic procedures in my Denver office that millennials get:

Botox – an injection that reduces fine lines and wrinkles. Botox literally slows down the signs of aging (specifically wrinkles). The most common areas for this are the forehead, between the eye brows and sides of the eyes.

Juvederm – To reduce deeper lines and hollowing under the eyes this filler is injected under the skin It can also be used to add volume to the face and lips. Most treatments last 9 months to a year.

Skin Care – Lasers treatments and skin creams can retard aging and make the skin refresh itself by removing the top layer of skin. For millennials who are starting to show signs of skin aging different products such as Halo laser treatment may be helpful to keep the skin young.

5. Male Millennials are also interested in staying and looking young

Male millennials like female millennials are interested in looking good and looking young. The rise of the “metrosexual” or man who values their appearance has given rise to an increase of male patients in the last few years who want age reducing non surgical treatments like Botox, filler and skin treatments. Many professional athletes and their significant others (who tend to be under thirty) seek cosmetic improvements of their face in order to face the spotlight and media. Along with this group are young professional male who are interested in maintaining and maximizing their "brand". This "brand" encompasses not only their appearance but also what they are doing for a living, their friends and their passions. This is unique compared to previous generations. Young professional athletes now dress in custom suits and are dressed to the nines. They want their facial appearance to be the same.

In summary millennials are a new generation who value looks and are interested in getting cosmetic procedures to stay young and look good. As a Gen X plastic surgeon who treats millennials with botox, fillers and skin care in Denver, I am impressed by how they are seeking care for their appearance in a way that prevents a lot of the problems that my generation is currently seeking to fix. It is clear, they are a step ahead of the game.

If you are a millennial and interested in maximizing your facial appearance, contact our Denver office for a consultation with Dr Thiagarajah in order to learn about your options. (303) 468 8844

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